Saturday, August 8, 2009

In Darkness There Is Light

What am I? Why am I? Who am I?

On a daily basis, I ponder what has made me the man I am today? I seem to believe myself to be a mix of man and woman. I come from a family of enthusiastic athletes, all who seem to be a little rough around the edges when concerning feelings or anything of the sort.

I am an anomaly among men in my class. I've played numerous hard hitting sports associated with the creme de la creme of the professional sporting world. Hung with jocks, been a jock. Yet, as I get older I seem to be evolving. Always on a quest to become bigger and better every day, expanding my horizons. I'm not a homosexual, I'm not a pansy, What I am is a living breathing being with feelings, wants and needs.

Having been a narrow minded male (just like all of the rest of them), I want to be more. I don't want to be viewed as ordinary, or run of the mill. I have dreams and aspirations to be extra-ordinary in everything i do.

I find myself wanting to be a better person on a daily basis. What kind of qualities do I want to develop in my skill set. How does the world view me? I feel as if my charismatic extroverted personality blinds people from seeing who I truly am inside.

1.Integrity -Doing what I said I would do when I said I would do it.
2.Being Powerful- Access to power is through communication. Be straight in my communication and take what I get.
3.Being Courageous- Acknowledging my fears and then acting.
4.Being Empathetic- Caring for those I love, listening to them without judgement. Understanding their situation and being of service.
5.Love- I'm a softie at heart, love and be loved

(Top left photo from restartmyheart)

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