Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Begginnings

As I sit here, in bed, wrapped up in my cuddly warm blankets. I'm watching felicity, my new (old) t.v. show. It is reminding me of friends and that I'm on the doorstep of a new journey. An adventure I am hesitant to embark on.

My body and soul are wrought with different emotions flowing like a river. Swelling at the banks are my insecurities waiting for the heavy rains to begin flooding the grassy slopes of my composure.
I'm young, perhaps very young, It all depends on your definition of young and how old you are. I seem to be on the brink of a very big transformation. The last 4 years have been tumultuous at best. Every day a new experience, every love an adventure. I seem to think about where I am and what my calling is continuously. What brings me to the drawing board is friends.

Where have they gone? I used to think I was a man of virtue who valued keeping only a small circle of really great friends. It seems while growing up and moving, I have been separated from the ones I love. Friendships have withered, some have broken, and others blend into the background. I miss having those weekly deep chats with a good girlfriend, or goofing off with a great guy friend. As you may have guessed, I usually get along with girls better than boys.

At this time I want to take special notice of a friend I cherish. Once upon a time, when I was down and out and seemingly forsaken by the world. A ravishingly beautiful acquaintance took a chance on a distressed delinquent. I guess you could say I owe her my life. She was and still is a stepping stone to who I have become today. J.F thank you for being there whenever I needed you. I fear we are miles apart in distance but close in heart.

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity spend an afternoon with her and my camera.

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