Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Nemesis...

Today was a strange day. I bonded, I really need you to get this, I bonded with my nemesis. There is this lady I work with, and everything she does annoys me. It doesn't matter what she does there are just some people who you don't see eye to eye with.

Yesterday at work was particularly scorching and she was complaining to have a break and get some water. I could tell she was having a rough time but couldn't do anything about it and wasn't that worried about her. I went into another room for a couple of seconds to do a side task. Upon re-entering I find her balling her eyes out with two customers standing beside her flabbergasted. Between her tears and hiccups she splutters d-d-d-d-avid will you please watch the front for me?

Sometime later she approaches me in tears, sobbing, and thanking me for being there for her. All I could do was hug, and tell her everything was going to be alright. After some seemingly minor consoling she walked off a much happier camper.

In short it felt like a connection had been made with someone who I have never liked. This afternoon I was walking past her and she said, "I'll miss you when you are gone".

The feeling was foreign and incredible. Was that two foes becoming friends? With a little empathy and a little caring, I don't see why everyone can't get along.

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